Kult Świętych drzew. Obyczaje słowiańskie w Serbii. Ancient Slavs customs and tradition- Serbs.

Zapis Święte Drzewo.

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The cross inscribed in the bark of a zapis (a beech in this case) near the village of Crna Trava, south-east Serbia.
Krzyz jest wyryty w korze "zapisu" nieopodal wioski Crna Trava
A zapis (Cyrillic: запис, Serbian pronunciation: [ˈzǎːpis], literally "inscription") is a tree in Serbia that is sacred for the village within whose bounds it is situated.[1] A cross is inscribed into the bark of each zapis. Most of these trees are large oaks.
Zapis jest to drzewo w SERBII, ktore jest drzewem swietym dla kazdej wioski w ktorej rosnie. Krzyz jest wyryty w korze kazdego "Zapisu". Wiekszosc tych drzew to olbrzymie Deby.
 Prayers are offered to God under the crown of the zapis, where also church services may be held, especially on village festivals observed to supplicate God for protection against destructive weather conditions. In settlements without a church, ceremonies such as weddings and baptisms used to be conducted under the tree.
   Modlacy sie ofiarowuja sie Bogu pod konarami "Zapisu", gdzie rowniez moze byc odprawiana msza chrzescijanska. Szczegolnie w czasie dozynek i uroczystosci wiejskich zauwaza sie blagania i prozby skierowane do Boga o ochrone przed niszczycielskimi silami przyrody. W osadach pozbawionych kosiolow, ceremonie nabozne jak wesela i chrzest odbywaly sie pod majestatem "Zapisu".
 Folk tradition maintains that great misfortune will happen to anyone who dares to fell a zapis. According to Serbian scholar Veselin Čajkanović, the zapis is inherited from the pre-Christian religion of the Serbs, in which it had been used as a temple.
   Wiejskie obyczaje mowia o tym ze wielkie nieszczescie spotka tego kto osmieli sie powalic taki Dab. W czasach przedchrzescijanskich "Zapisy" byly traktowane jako swiatynie czy koscioly wiary przyrodzonej.

 Religious practices Praktyki religijne

The selected tree becomes a zapis through the rite of consecration performed by a Serbian Orthodox priest in which a cross is inscribed into its bark. The zapisi (plural) are chosen from large trees, primarily oaks, but also elms, ashes, beeches, pear trees, and hazels.
  Wybrane dzrewa staja sie "Zapisami" poprzez  swiecenie przeprowadzane przez kaplana prawoslawnego, kiedy to krzyz jes umieszczany na drzewie poprzez wyciecie go w korze lu umocowanie krzyza kamiennego.  "Zapisy" wybierane sa z posrod duzych drzew  glownie Debow, Wierzb, Jesionow, Bukow, Grusz, Orzechow.

A large cross, often of stone, may be erected beside the zapis, and the surrounding area may be fenced. The zapis is inviolable: it is believed that great misfortune will befall anyone who dares to fell it. Climbing it, sleeping under it, and picking its fruits and twigs, are also forbidden.   
Even the branches and fruits that fall from the tree should not be collected.[1] A village may have more than one zapis: the main one in the settlement or near it, and several others in the village's fields,[2] usually chosen so that they surround the settlement.[1      Po umieszczeniu  krzyża przy ZAPISIE teren zostaje ogrodzony. Zapis jest niedotykalny. Zakaz jest zbliżania się do niego, spania pod nim, zbierania owocow czy chrustu i czerpania innych korzysci. Wielkie nieszczescie dotknie tego kto powali ZAPIS. Wioska może mieć więcej niż jeden" Zapis"w okolicy tak aby otaczały wieś i główny , najważniejszy wewnątrz.

The zapis plays an important role in rites connected with the festival called the krstonoše, meaning crossbearers, that is publicly celebrated within the village to supplicate God for protection against destructive weather conditions, and to ensure a good harvest. Not all villages celebrate the krstonoše on the same day, but it usually falls between Easter and the eve of St. Peter's Fast; some villages, however, have abandoned this festival. "Zapis" odgrywa wazna role w trakcie obrzedow zwanych " krstonose" znaczaca tyle co nosiciele krzyza. Jest to publicznie czczone we wsiach by prosic boga o opieke przed ciemna strona przyrody, Choc nie wszystkie wsie to czynia tego samego dnia. Zazwyczaj pomiedzy Wielkanoca a Uczta Apostolska.

The krstonoše starts with the villagers gathering at the church, and forming a procession headed by a cross, an icon, and church banners. The procession walks a closed line around the settlement, encircling as much of the village's territory as possible, and then returns to the church.[3] The girls and boys in the procession sing:[2]
Од два класа шиник жита.
Од две гиџе чабар вина.
Out of two ears—a peck of grain.
Out of two vines—a cask of wine.
Ceremonia zaczyna sie od zebrania uczestnikow w kosciele i z tamtad rusza na obchod calej wsi do okola i powrot do kosciola. Niesione sa oznaczenia religijne a mlodziez spiewa przyspiewki.

On its way, the procession stops by each zapis and at some crossroads, where the priest chants prayers.[3] The cross inscribed in the zapis's bark is renewed, and the tree is censed. In eastern Serbia, a small hole is bored into the trunk and filled with cooking oil and incense.[2] The service on this festival is held under the crown of the main zapis, or in the church after the procession returns.[3] During the service, the priest and the man elected for the host of the krstonoše hold together a round loaf of bread, rotate it three times counterclockwise, and break it in two halves. One half is given to the priest, and the other to the man who will be the host of the next year's krstonoše. A feast for the participants in the procession may be prepared under the main zapis, and they may also dance the kolo there.[3] A sheеp used to be sacrificed under the tree so that its blood spilled on the trunk and roots.[1]
Podczas drogi, procesja ztrzymuje sie przy kazdym Zapisie i przy niektorych skrzyzowaniach drog. Krzyz na Zapisie jest odnowiony. We wschodniej Serbii, mala dziurka jest wiercona w pniu Zapisu i wypelniona olejem i traktuje kadzidlem. Sluzba jest pelniona przez ksiedza i czlowieka wybranego z posrud wodzirejow ogarniajacych tlum, pod najwiekszym z Zapisow.TU CIEKAWOSTKA: oboje mezczyzni unosza okragly bochen chleba i obracaja go 3x jakbysmy krecili  w lewo , czyli przeciwnie do ruchu zegara. Nastepnie lamany jest na pol. !polowa idzie do ksiedza a 2polowa idzie do nastepcy obecnego gospodaza pomagajacego na te chwile ksiedzu. Uczta moze byc organizowana pod konarami Zapisu, gdzie tanczone jest "kolo" i dawniej owca byla zarzynana tak by krew okropila pien i korzenie.

Some villages and hamlets in Serbia also observe a festival commemorating a disaster that has befallen the settlement, such as a flood, fire, or lightning strike. The festival is called the zavetina, the name being derived from the noun zavet, meaning vow. The service on the zavetina may be held in the shelter of the zapis.[3]
In settlements without a church, ceremonies such as weddings and baptisms were conducted under the crown of the zapis. People with health problems used to leave their clothes on the tree by night, believing this would bring them healing.[1] In the regions of Pek and Zvižd, eastern Serbia, a fire used to be built under the tree on the eve of Lent. In Gruža, money was lent under the zapis.[2]Niektore wioski i gminy w Serbii posiadaja festiwale upamietniajace nieszczescia ktore dotknely dany obszar jak;  powodz, ogien, piorun. Uroczystosc taka zwana jest zavetina( slubowanie) od zavet ( slub). Pod Zapisem chrzczono , udzielano slubow, pozyczano pieniadze, chorzy wieszaja swe ubrania na noc w nadzieji na uzdrowienie. Dawniej palono ognie tuz przy Zapisie w Wielki Post

 Origin and similar traditions Pochodzenie i  podobne obrzedy.

In his study on the cult of trees among the ancient Serbs, Veselin Čajkanović states that the zapis is inherited from the pre-Christian religion of the Serbs, in which it had been used as a temple.[4] Prayers and sacrifices were offered under the crown of the zapis, as in a temple. The zapisi are primarily selected from oaks, the trees associated with Perun—the thunder god of the old Slavic religion. A Serbian legend relates the story of a king who always prayed to God under a pear tree rather than in a church, saying, "The pear tree is my church." His prayers were so effective that he eventually became a saint.[4]
A treatment of trees similar to that of the zapisi in Serbia has been recorded in Macedonia. In the region of Gevgelija, the Eucharist was given on Easter to selected pear trees: each of them was surrounded with icons, after which a priest read from a Gospel facing the tree, sprinkled it with holy water, and then put the consecrated bread under its bark. In other areas, there was a custom of placing a cross, a fireplace, and a table made of stone by a tree on a hillock near a river or a lake.[1]
Upraszczając tłumaczenie : w.g. Veselin Čajkanovića  Zapis pochodzi z dawnych czasow jeszcze przedchrześcijańskich. Kiedy to modlitwy i ofiary były składane bogom z których każdy posiadał własne drzewo np. Perun - Dab. Podobne traktowanie drzew występuje również w Macedonii. Gzdzie w Wielkanoc drzewa Gruszy traktowane są w podobny sposób. Ustawiane są dodatkowo ikony do których "baciuszka"  czyta przepowiednie, święci woda i wtyka w które poświęcony chleb. Jeszcze robiono tak ze  umieszczano krzyż, ognisko/palenisko, i stół, zrobione z kamienia na pagórku przy rzece lub jeziorze.

Jak widać Stare obrzędy przetrwały. Niestety powtarza się motyw  wszechobecnego księdza prawosławnego i innych chrześcijańskich nalotów. Usunąwszy je jednak  i zastąpiwszy niektóre czynności chrześcijańskie, czynnościami wiary przyrodzonej pozostaje czysta forma niestety tylko zbliżona do pierwowzoru.


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